My pencil potrait of all time fav villian THANOS

A fierce guy…
A remorseless character…
Look at those eyes filled with fury…
Always Ready to wreak havoc…
An ardour to rule over the world…
Voice is like roar of a lion…
Walking as if a giant body traversing to squash everyone…
Clinching fist and up to quash the universe…
atrocious soul hiding inside…
Boasting himself to be THE INEVITABLE!!!!

Hi friends, my amazing bloggers how are you all today?… So this is my first time small try to write HAIKU, i dont have much idea on how to write it properly…still thought why not to experiment and try it out!! I have been thinking since long on whom or which scenario to write haiku, and my all time fav villian THANOS came into mind… So as usual i drew him first and it took me 10hrs in 4days to complete his potrait!! I know its not 100% like him, still i am so happy with my artwork… What do you think peeps, do let me know in comment section😃 will be back with new post soon, till then take care, stay fit and happy and have a great weekend!!



  1. Hi Soni, saw the pic, my first thought? He feels sad, maybe sad about what he did, sad about not doing what he want to do? Nice pic. Imagine this guy´s face in real. Tattoos all over, coull be an old maori, full with thoughts. cheers!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. You are very hard working. The portrait is almost perfect but it is good. Trying something new is an interesting idea…I appreciate your “ Haiku”. Thank you for sharing Soni.😁❤💐💐

    Liked by 5 people

  3. SMiles All That😃
    Really Separates
    A Hero From

    A Villain

    Is Loving


    Of Empathy…

    One Is

    Aloof From

    Other Souls

    The Other


    Inseparate From

    All Others Saving

    In Pain And Pleasure

    Yes Soni Dear



    The Villain

    In Your Sketch

    Of ‘Thanos’ Here

    And A Sketch Of

    “The Soul MeMe TRumP”
    Likely Might Catch A


    In Nature True Too 👿

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Not sure what Haiku even is, but I’ve seen several three line “poems” claiming to be such. I guess with so many trying it out, I’ll look into it.
    Excellent pencil sketch!! Immediately recognizable to anyone who saw the movie or the comic books. 😊

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Thank you for sharing!!.. you did good, keep it up!!…. 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May the dreams you hold dearest
    Be those which come true
    May the kindness you spread
    Keep returning to you
    (Irish Saying)

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I like the drawing mate. I wrote a Haiku a long time ago. I had learned of the style, can’t remember who told me about it. Three lines: five syllabils, then seven, then another five.

    Am I really here?
    Others’ reactions say ‘yes’.
    Are they really here?

    It was a dark time for me and my writing then was all at least a bit grim, but I was curious to try Haiku because it is a poetry form with its own style. Thanks for reading.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. I think it’s a tremendous peice of art. I’m not familiar with Thanos because Greek mytholog has never really been my scene. Those powerful words behind your piece have put a vivid picture in my mind. He was a powerful, strong, scary villain hiding behind his unhappiness.

    I really liked your poem and have fallen to curiosity about mythology. Right now I’m reading a book called Warnings based on princess Cassandra of Troy who’s vision of impending doom made Aristotle feel threatened by her abilities which ultimately led to the burning of Troy itself.
    To this day real people “deemed” Cassandra’s warnings that have gone unheeded ultimately came to catastrophic disasters,such as 9/11, Hurricane Katerina and Saddam Husseins overthrow of Kuwait changed
    our lives and the planet forever.
    Sorry for blabbering on but it’s somewhat coincidental and shockingly obvious about readings based off Greek mythology.☺👍🇨🇦

    Liked by 1 person

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