Love for music🎹🎵🎶🎼

Hola my lovely friends!!! Whats up guys… Hows your day today? Well mine is as usual routine… Today i am doing morning shift from home, and not much work, so thought to share something with you all… Whats that? Its MUSIC… as you all know already how much i love music and playing it… Till now wish of playing guitar is pending, hoping to complete it soon… But what i actually did in this lockdown time is i searched for this beautiful app called WALK BAND and installed it… As usual did some experiments and finally i was able to play 2 songs tunes on KEYBOARD… Below are videos of them peeps, do listen😃😃 In this way i fulfilled my half wish to play music and enjoyed it…

I tried to play few tunes on keyboard

Here i am stopping my short post here…. Will be back with new post soon fellas, till then stay tuned, be happy and fit…take care… Bye byeee🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️



  1. Que bueno que al menos cumpliste ese medio y lindo sueño. Se escucha muy bien esas notas.
    Yo estos días me he animado también y he estado viendo tutoriales de guitarra. Pues me gustaría aprender a tocarla. La música es tan bella. saludos

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Poetry, Painting, Singing, Yes Paramotoring, And Now Playing
    The Piano Soni True Every Day Creating Is A New Day Far Away

    From Routine

    That Keeps

    Us From

    GRoWinG into
    More Colors of Life

    Well i Played Piano Since
    12 Yet i could Never Create
    Anything Until One Day When

    I was Very Stressed For So Long
    When i Lost My Soul And Didn’t Even
    Know How it Went Away My Fingers Begged

    My Soul to Come Back And This Is What My
    Soul Deep Down Told My Fingers to Play to Return

    Well It took Me About 6 Years to Find The Lyrics to
    The Music Yet i Finally Did Soni And in Doing so the

    SonG oF
    mY SoUL
    Returned and

    Indeed Now the
    Lyrics are Literally
    9 MiLLioN Words Yes Way

    Too Long Hehe For Even This Song Now…

    Yes It’s Nice to Make A Record of when the
    Gift of Creativity Comes And This Recording
    i Made on A Cheap Dictation Device in 2007

    And i Didn’t transfer it to YouTube until 2013
    When My Soul Finally Started Coming Back

    With A Free Voice A Song And Dance of my Soul Again




    As Ashes Return

    i Still Haven’t Played
    Since Then Perhaps one day again..:)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much jeff❤️❤️ wooooo glad to hear that you too love guitar and great you are going to learn it😃😃 i am also planning for it… Hope soon i get to hold guitar in my hands and play like a pro😃💖 have a great weekend my friend💖💖


  3. yeah soni as a music lover it is nice to always listen to music most especially when you have problem or you are tired it would really relieve your stress same as mine i always listen to music whenever i am stress and have this many problems continue doing that

    Liked by 1 person

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