A day well spent!💖💖🤗🤗

Sorry for late posting peeps!!

20th Feb 12PM IST

So we all started with foggy weather, cold breeze and full of greenery…
Seeing totally black clouds everywhere, my mood became a bit off, but still we all started our small trip to ECO RETREAT, HIRAKUD.
Well as you all might know from my old post bucket list, i always have a wish to do paragliding and sky diving…
So friends if you have not seen my post on bucket list, do check in below link😃💖


Till now my wish is incomplete but atleast i achieved 40% of it by doing PARAMOTORING 🪂
We enjoyed seeing the scenic beauty, both road sides full of trees as if they have gathered all for their family get together and spreading green tents all over to stay!!
After a while, again enjoyed seeing river on both side of road, flowing in rythm as if all water drops going together, hand in hand and singing together melodious music💖💖
Finally after 1hr we reached our destination!!!
We all were so exhilarated and ready to relish the moment!!


Well i always have a fantasy to be like bird (mainly eagle) to fly high to higher above sky and see the whole world from top and enjoy alot!!!
If you have not seen my post on fantasy, do check out below link guys💖


I know its weird wish hahaha, even though in reality it cant be possible, but atleast can be felt abit via adventure activities like PARAGLIDING/SKY DIVING/PARASAILING/PARAMOTORING, right fellas?

So we entered to the counter, and immediately booked ticket to build up my half dream to fly high ❤️❤️

Heart was beating too fast, as if its knocking from inside and asking is anybody there, all will be fine right!! and mind was answering , calm down babes and live this moment!!!

Finally the time arrived for me to get wings and
start gliding and gliding and then flying up above the blue sea, hovering there, a bit fluttered motions, captured the big world in one photoframe, breathed the cool breeze, view of big calm crystal clear sea from above was like an artist has dropped sky blue color paint all over!

Seeing people walking, driving, from above was like i have become one big giant girl and have come to a world where people are of smaller sizes, an amazeballs feeling!!!

Then we all went for speed boating, which was as fabulous as paramotoring…
Touching the beautiful water of the sea, the zephyr kissing my face, it was bosting moment for all of us!!!

Beautiful blue sea🚤

Finally we headed towards lunch in a beautiful hotel, enjoyed our scrumptious meal and came back to home…

Masala cold drinks🤩🤩

But, but but it was not over yet pals…
Main ingredient in a celebration is??? Ofcourse CAKE!!🎂🎂

My birthday cake🎂

So my people brought a beautiful cake, as usual my favorite flavor chocolate!!
Chocolate truffle cake, loaded with cream, super yummm…😋
And again lucious dinner made by my mom and sister
and last but not the least, my special day ended with plenty of clicks and never ending memories🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Grateful to god and everyone for their immense love and care for me🙌🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖🤗🤗🤗 and 20th feb, my birthday🤩 was, is and will be forever special day in my life🤗🤗

Ending my post here folks, will be back again with another post soon, till then take care, stay happy…



  1. This is your Birthday Day?!! It was more than fabulous!! I just looked at your post to cheer myself with your “Hello peeps”, before starting my daily work, and your adventures really cheer me up. There cannot be anything that bad in the world if Sony is having such fun.

    Thank you, peeps!


    Liked by 4 people

  2. OMG Paramotoring
    Never Ever Never
    Ever For me Although

    i Am Not
    Afraid To
    Fly on Land
    In Balance of
    FRiEnDS With

    Center All

    Point Balance

    Of Gravity For
    Literally Farther

    Than Half The Distance 🌎
    Around The Whole Earth🌏
    Public Dancing in Stores
    And Such to Entertain
    SMiles For Free Yes
    14,477 Miles In

    90 Months Like
    Writing 9 MiLLion

    Words of Free Verse

    Poetry Just Like

    This Copying

    And Pasting

    It on My

    Blog For The
    Longest EPiC
    Long Form Poem
    Ever That Soni is
    A Part of Too And
    More Folks to Count

    Now Than With The

    Human Eye of Stars

    At Night Yet Heights

    Are My


    Real Fear

    In Everyday

    Life Hehe As

    i Am too “Important”

    To Fall or Rise Too High

    And As Usual

    That And


    Is A Deeper

    Metaphor And

    This Is Just Another

    Parable Poem of







    With Yes
    That And
    This Said

    For The
    Muse Of
    Your Great
    Fully Illustrated



    Dear Soni

    Young Indian FRiEnD☺️🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  3. SOOO jealous!! What a glorious flight! I have always loved heights and want to try this out! It appears a lot safer than hang-gliding, but with similar views of the land a loooong ways down. Your nickname, Soni “Cool” says it all. 😊 So Cool!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much dear😃💖💖 yeah its just wonderful, yeah not totally like hang gliding but still you will love it… Thank you dear💖💖💖 yeah my nick name is Soni… Cool just i added to explain myself 😃😃

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I can imagine the whole scene. I was also participating in your b’day party but you can’t see me as I was invisible.

    Your presentation of every event and joy from it is excellent ( shabaash!). My best wishes to you.😊

    We have something common; Eagle, chocolate and celebrations🎈🎈.

    Liked by 1 person

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