Creative blogger award by GELINA🏆

Hollaaaa my lovely peeps… Today i am so happy to say that my blogger friend #GELINA Gelina has created her own award called ‘The creative Blogger Award’
to inspire others and keep the writing spirit high!!! Amazing job Gelina👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️proud of you dear🤗 and thank you so much for nominating me!!❤️ sorry i am posting late!!
So pals i shout out and request you all to visit her blog posts, link to her blog is

And here are the rules:


*Thank the person who nominated you and put a link back to their blog
*Put the logo on your post
*Mention the maker of this award
*Post the rules.
*Answer the questions given to you
*Ask 7 questions of your choice
*Nominate 10 (Or less) bloggers who you find creative. (Make sure they know of the nomination)
*Add one of your favorite GIF in the end of the post! (You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!)

Gelina’s Questions:

What is your hobby?
*Well you all know it already right!!

Would you rather want to fly or be invisible
*Well i already nentioned before that getting wings and flying all over the world is my kinda fantasy!! Hence i would love to fly like a bird, mmmm like an EAGLE and explore the world!!

Who is you fav blogger?
*All of you pals are my fav!! As each of you have different talent and creativity to write varities of posts, your hard work is commandable👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Would you rather live in a mansion or a cottage?
*I always wanted to try staying in a cottage and feel the vibes, experience it😃

When did you begin blogging?
*Lockdown, lockdown and lockdown, ofcourse!
In a way it helped me being a motivator to make me hold Pen to write out my thoughts!
If you ask me exact date, i stepped into wordpress platform on 27th July 2020!! and my journey continues and again thank you all for inspiring me to write more and more….

Are you artistic?
*Yeah, i am… As you already know and have seen my arts guys… You just give me a pencil and paper and see ARTIST SONI 👩🏻‍🎨 hehehe
Art is my soul, really… and i have posted many of my arts done in this lockdown in my blogpost friends, do have a look if you havenot seen already!! Under my menu in names ‘few of my arts part 1+2+3

What is your fav color?
*Black, Blue and Pink😃🖤💙❤️💜

My nominees:


My questions same as Gelinas😃

And my fav GIF is :

Bye for now folks and will be back with new post!! See you…



  1. Your writing skill is very creative…. I didn’t blink a single time reading this… I’ve followed you now… keep doing it… lots of love… Please check out my blog too… I hope you’ll have a good time reading them…😊

    Liked by 2 people

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