It has been many days since my friend Chocoviv nominated me for THE SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD, but i was occupied with other stuffs, so could not post on the award… Sorry friends…
Thank you so much Chocoviv for nominating me❤️❤️🤗🤗
Guys you must read her blog posts, she writes wonderfully about books, movie reviews, lucious food reciepes, and also her arts are worth seeing pals…
This is the link to her post, dont forget to go through😃😃


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 people and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their posts.
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.
    The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who are creative, positive, and inspiring.
    Once nominated, a blogger is required to write a post in which they thank the blogger for nominating them and link back to their blog.

Chocovivs questions :
1) What was your favourite childhood book?

My fav childhood books are Champak and Chacha chowdhry (in hindi) and janhamamu(chanda mama) in odia language❤️❤️

2) Who did you last have dinner with?
I am having dinner with my own people❤️❤️ as always🤗

3) What magazine did you like to read?

4) Where do you buy your cup of coffee?

My fav Caffe coffee day ❤️☕, well if not available then Barrista or Starbucks or maccaffe😃, as you know already, a cup of coffee, a chocolate brownie and an amazing nature view from my balcony are my life😃❤️❤️

5) What do you think life will be like in 5 years?

Well i just hope i would become an amazing blogger, an artist, a singer, a guitarist and ofcourse senior functional analyst in IT organization in 5years… Lets see where life takes me😃 and hope everyone come out of this situation and grow high in their life too🙌🏻

6) Shower or bath?
Both 😄😄

7) How do you like your bread, whole wheat or white bread?

White bread😃🥪, i know for health wheat bread is good, but what to do, i just cant eat wheat bread much… just imagine white bread sandwich, white bread omlette, white break pakodas, white bread cheese toast yummmmm😋

8) Which hotel is your favourite?
All hotels in my hometown are fav with super delicious food❤️

9) Shop online or in the store?
Both 😄😄 just comfortable, loose dresses enough for me, as i am not much of fashionista, so simple dressings, simple living and much more enjoying life what i do😃❤️❤️ online if available such cothes also fine, going store and selecting also fine.. but yeah ofcourse a profit in store is we can just wear then and can check properly, whereas online if length, fitting do not come proper, again exchange/return etc

10) What is your favourite type of cuisine?
Indian, italian, mexican, chineese love them all😀 me being a foodie love to experiment my taste on all type of food😍, but plz i dont like to cook, hahaha, if someone cook for me, then happily i can just keep gulping😄😄😍

11) Which blog post in your blog do you like the most?
Well i leave it to you my friends to decide which of my posts you like the most😀, you know my post link? no?? then here it is, do have a look and let me know which one you like the most😉

My Nominees
I cannot choose anyone friends, as you know it already. If you guys wanna participate, do comment, i will nominate you in reply😍❤️

My questions:
Same as above😍 as chocovivs questions are too interesting, so i did not want to ask any other questions🤗

Will be back again with some interesting stuffs…
till then stay happy and healthy friends❤️



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