Hey my friends, i am happy to be nominated for THE LIEBSTER AWARD by Blessing Pius
She is extremely talented and a great writer, her posts are full of inspirations, poems and many more… This is the link to her blog post
Do read my friends, you would like it…

The Liebster Award

Liebster in German means – sweetest, kindest, endearing, beloved and so on. It’s a great initiative to support new blogs.


Thank the blogger who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate 11 bloggers
Ask your nominees 11 questions
Notify your 11 nominees

Blessing Pius questions :

What do you detest the most?

I do not like whenever anyone telling me lies and pretending they are innocent!!

What is your favorite food and colour?
My favorite food is everything which are prepared by my Mother and my elder sister😍😍😍
My fav color is Black, Blue and Pink…

What country do you wish to travel to after everything is over?
I am eagerly waiting to travel to Switzerland and Italy… They are beautiful countries and my dream places!!!

Which novel do u love and why?
I like novels which have comic contents or romantic contents because comedy is the thing i love always, afterall it makes us smile, laugh and stress free isnt it!

What’s your best movie for 2020 and why?
Well i have watched more of web series in 2020, Still one of Bollywood movies which i loved is Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior
its a historical movie based on Tanaji Malusare who was a military assistant of Maratha King Shivaji, and was a great warrior i must say!! Such a heart touching movie it is, must watch!

Do you love swimming?
I am scared of water, do not why!!!

What inspires you to do more?
Whenever i see any arts, it inspires me to keep drawing more and more

What is your take on true love?
Well in true love, there should not be any space for selfishness, it should be deep from heart and soul not show off…

Mention your favorite actists
Noone much🙂🙂

What sport do you love the most?
Cricket i love the most…

What is your own view about life?
Always stay away from negativity, keep spreading love, laughter and love yourself, spend time as much as possible with own people is my life motto…


1) At what time you love the most to write and why?
2)When did you first start your writings?
3)Do you love reading books? which are your fav books?
4)Do you have any suggestions for other beginner bloggers?
5)What was your aim when you were a kid and did it change with time or still same?
6)Whats your passion and why?
7)What are your tips for a good and fit health?
8)Do you advise for Gym or home workout?
9)If you would not be a blogger, then what other activity you would have been into?
10)Who do you get ideas to write posts?
11)Do you keep any expectations to be famous when writing something or just prefer to write your heart out and leave everything on others to judge??

Well i cannot nominate anyone as you all already know it…
Anyone interested to take part, welcome to comment in my comment section and i would nominate you friends😀😀



  1. Thank you so much 😘😘
    I just posted a Liebster Award on my site so I’m not sure if I am ready to do.another one yet 😅😅
    So terribly sorry dear 😟
    But thank you so much again 💖💖
    Loads of love to u 🤗🤗
    And I hope u understand 😅

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wohoooooooo…. Your answers to my questions, your way of connecting with people and writing out are i must say fabbbb!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Keep blogging, keep spreading joy,motivation.. have a nice day Jojo 😃😃


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