I dont know what impact you have!

Tried to draw referring youtube😊

I dont know what magic you have…
I dont know for you how i crave!

you always bring a peace in my exhausted mind…
You always manage to cheer up the sad me!

You are my soul companion whenever i need you the most…
With you i can be the happiest soul!

The soothing feeling in your voice…
You always fill my mind and heart with joy!

You are my life’s precious thing…
For you there is never ending craze in human being!

Whenever i am sad or happy i feel you deeply…
Such a mood booster like you, i wonder if exist any!!

You and me were, are and will be inseparable…
You are such a thing made to be compatible!

Love to get hypnotized with your rythm…
The power you carry to make a meaningless life blossom!

You are indeed god’s wonderful creation…
Your charm and impact is beyond imagination!

You are a mother’s lullaby…
Love you oh MUSIC, you are something unique!

Hello peeps, whatsup guys, 2020 is coming to end in 2days!! How everyone’s life changed drastically, isnt it! well onething out of many remained constant in our lives is MUSIC, its something without which we cannot live kinda… For me its always a stress reliever, so thought to write a small piece on it to express my feelings!!! Hope you guys like it…
Well its my second last post in 2020 and my last post will write soon by 31st 😃
Take care and stay safe everyone… See you soon❤️❤️



  1. Music does make the world go round lovely and to the heart, it brings such a beautiful sound. It has a big impact on us especially when we feel it. Wonderful post nearing the end of 2020!!🎼🥁🎹
    Have a Happy New Year!!🎉🪅❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you for sharing!!.. Hope you and yours have a very Happy New Year with each day filled with peace, love and happiness!!.. 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thanks alot Irish for your such lovely wishes😃❤️❤️🤗🤗 i wish you all the happiness, peace, good health, wealth and good luck shower on you on this new year…may you stay happy always😃🥳🎉🎊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “Thank you for the music”.
    “I’m nothing special, in fact I’m a bit of a bore
    If I tell a joke, you’ve probably heard it before
    But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
    ‘Cause everyone listens when I start to sing “.
    ABBA. Good night and thanks for all !!!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I really loved this post. Music is so uplifting and invigorating. It really can get us out of a rut quickly. I find meditation also has the same effect on me , especially when ghee connection to God us great.

    Looking forward to reading your new years eve post.

    Oh yes love your painting it is awesome

    Liked by 4 people

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